Using Express

Searchkit ships with an express plugin to proxy api calls to ElasticSearch

Note The use of a proxy is optional, you can configure the Searchkit client to connect directly to an ElasticSearch server


npm install searchkit-express --save
SearchkitExpress = require("searchkit-express")
var app = express()

  host:process.env.ELASTIC_URL || "http://localhost:9200",  
  queryProcessor:function(query, req, res){
    //do neccessery permissions, prefilters to query object
    //then return it
    return query
 }, app)

This will add the following endpoints to your root url which will route to the movies index on your elasticsearch instance

  • POST /_search

Custom router

If you wish to prefix the url or control the middleware for these particular routes SearchkitExpress allows manual creation of an express.Router

var app = express()


var searchkitRouter = SearchkitExpress.createRouter({
  host:process.env.ELASTIC_URL || "http://localhost:9200",  
  queryProcessor:function(query, req, res){
    return query
app.use("/movie-search", searchkitRouter)

This will result in the following api endpoints

  • POST /movie-search/_search