Hierarchical Menu

Component which renders a tree like structure. Used for items which have multiple levels of categorization. Used for when documents have only one hierarchical category. For documents with more than one categories, see hierarchical Refinement filter.


Hierarchical Menu needs an array of level fields. Levels is derived from the order of the array. If an item was in /Appliances/Air Conditioners/Window Air Conditioners category, the setup would be as follows:

Mapping example

       //includes all ids for flat level querying
       "all":{"type":"string", "index":"not_analyzed"},

       //tags bucketed by their level in the tree
       "lvl1":{"type":"string", "index":"not_analyzed"},
       "lvl2":{"type":"string", "index":"not_analyzed"},
       "lvl3":{"type":"string", "index":"not_analyzed"},
       "lvl10":{"type":"string", "index":"not_analyzed"}

Indexing example

  category.lvl2:"Air Conditioners",
  category.lvl3:"Window Air Conditioners"


import {
} from "searchkit";

class App extends SearchkitComponent<any, any> {

      <HierarchicalMenuFilter fields={["categories_lvl1", "categories_lvl2", "categories_lvl3"]} title="Categories" id="categories"/>


  • fields ([ESAttribute]): An array of non-analysed elastic search fields to create aggs.
  • title (string): Title of the menu. Shown as a header and within selected filters
  • id (string): id of component. Must be unique. Used as key for url serialisation
  • translations (Object): An object of translations you wish to override. For more information on translations see translate page.


See the Pen by searchkit (@searchkit) on CodePen.