NoHits Component

NoHits component is displayed when the current query yields no results from Elasticsearch. NoHits may offer actions to help the user tweak their search to return results.

Tweaking Query Actions

If the current query and filters applied returns no results, NoHits component will try to provide steps to adjust the search.

Elasticsearch Suggestions API

If suggestionsField prop is specified, it will use elasticsearch's suggestions api and show an action to search using the suggestion if found.

Query Without Filters

NoHits will provide an action to remove the filters if the query without filters will yield results.

Example Usage

import * as _ from "lodash";

import {
} from "searchkit"

const searchkit = new SearchkitManager(<somehost>)
const App = ()=> (
  <SearchkitProvider searchkit={searchkit}>
      <Hits hitsPerPage={10}/>
      <NoHits translations={{
        "NoHits.NoResultsFound":"No movies found were found for {query}",
        "NoHits.DidYouMean":"Search for {suggestion}",
        "NoHits.SearchWithoutFilters":"Search for {query} without filters"
      }} suggestionsField="title"/>

Note here we use NoHits as a sibling to Hits


  • suggestionsField (ESField): The field used to create suggestions from which closely match the current query and will bring better results.
  • translations (Object): An object of translations you wish to override. For more information on translations see translate page.
  • mod (string): Optional. A custom BEM container class.


Note NoHits will interpolate the query or suggestion into your translation

  • NoHits.NoResultsFound: No results found for {query}.,
  • NoHits.DidYouMean:Search for {suggestion},
  • NoHits.SearchWithoutFilters:Search for {query} without filters
  • NoHits.NoResultsFoundDidYouMean:No results found for {query}. Did you mean {suggestion}?