Hits Component

Hits component displays results from ElasticSearch. To customise each result, you need to override the renderResult method. The method will receive a single hit object from the search results, which will include result._source which contains the untouched stored fields which were indexed.

Example Usage

import * as _ from "lodash";

import {
} from "searchkit";

class MovieHits extends Hits {
  renderResult(result:any) {
    return (
      <div className={this.bemBlocks.item().mix(this.bemBlocks.container("item"))} key={result._id}>
        <img className={this.bemBlocks.item("poster")} src={result._source.poster}/>
        <div className={this.bemBlocks.item("title")} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:_.get(result,"highlight.title",false) || result._source.title}}></div>

class App extends SearchkitComponent<any, any> {

      <MovieHits hitsPerPage={50} highlightFields={["title"]}/>


  • hitsPerPage (Number): Number of results displayed per page
  • highlightFields (Array): Array of highlighted fields. Any highlight matches will be returned in the result.highlight[fieldName]. See above for example.
  • mod (string): Optional. A custom BEM container class.

Customising Blank States

Often the hits component will display the appropriate blank states, renderInitialView can be overridden to provide custom behaviour, below is the default implementation. renderInitialView is displayed when searchkit is fetching results from ES for the first time.

class MovieHits extends Hits {
  renderInitialView() {
    return (
      <div className={this.bemBlocks.container("initial-loading")}></div>



See the Pen by searchkit (@searchkit) on CodePen.